Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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1815 Kandyan Convention (උඩරට ගිවිසුම) and its articles


At a Convention held on the Second day of March, in the year of Christ 1815, and the Cingalese year 1736 at the Palace in the city of Kandy, between Excellency Lieut. General Robert Brownrigg Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over the British settlements and territories in the Island Ceylon, acting in the name and on behalf of His Majesty George the Third, King, and His Royal Highness George, Prince of Wales, Regent, of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, on; the one part, and the Adigars, Dessaves, and other principal chiefs of the Kandy an provinces on behalf of the inhabitants, and in presence of the” Mohottales, Coraals, Vidaans, and other subordinate; headmen from the several provinces, and of the people then and there assembled on the other part, it is agreed and established as follows: ”

1. That the cruelties and oppressions of the Malabar ruler, in the arbitrary and unjust infliction of bodily tortures and the pains of death without trial, and some times without an accusation or the possibility of a crime, and in the general contempt and contravention of all civil rights, have become flagrant, enormous, and’ intolerable, the acts and maxims of his government being equally and entirely devoid of that justice which should secure the safety of his subjects, and of that good faith which might obtain a beneficial intercourse with the neighboring settlements.

That the Rajah Sri Wikreme Rajah Sinha, by the habitual violation of the chief and most sacred duties of a Sovereign, has forfeited all claims to that title or : the powers annexed to the same, and is declared fallen and deposed from the office of king ; his family and relatives, whether in the ascending, descending, or collateral line, and whether by affinity or blood, are flood for ever excluded from the throne, and all claim and title of the Malabar race to the dominion of the Kandyan provinces is abolished and extinguished.

3. That all male persons being or pretending to be relations of the late Rajah Sri Wikreme Rajah Sinha, either by affinity or blood, and whether in the ascending, descending, or collateral line, are hereby declared enemies to the government of the Kandyan provinces, and excluded and prohibited from entering those provinces on any pretence whatever, without a written permission for that purpose by the authority of the British Government, under the pains and penalties of martial law, which is hereby declared to be in force for that purpose; and all male persons of the Malabar caste now expelled from the said provinces are, under the same penalties, prohibited from returning, except -with the permission before mentioned.

4. The dominion of the Kandyan provinces is vested in the Sovereign of the British Empire and to be exercised through the Governors or Lieutenant- Governors of Ceylon for the time being, and their accredited Agents, saving to the Adigars, Dessaves, Mohottales, Coraals, Vidaans, and all other chief and I subordinate native headmen, lawfully appointed by authority of the British Government, the rights, privileges, and powers of their respective offices, and ‘ to all classes of the people the safety of their persons and property, with their civil rights and immunities, according to the laws, institutions, and customs established and in force amongst them.

5. The religion of Boodho, professed by the chiefs and inhabitants of these provinces, is declared inviolable, and its rites, ministers, and places of worship are to be maintained and protected.

6. Every species of bodily torture, and all mutilation of limb, member, or organ, are prohibited and abolished.

10. Provided always that the operation of the preceding clauses shall not be contravened by provisions of any temporary or partial proclaims published during the advance of the army provisions, in so far as incompatible with the preceding articles, are hereby repealed.

11. The royal dues and revenues of the Kandy provinces are to be managed and collected for His Majesty’s use and the support of the provincies establishment, according to lawful custom, and the direction and superintendence of the accredit Agent or Agents of the British Government.

12. His Excellency the Governor will adopt signally, and recommend to the confirmation of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, in the name on behalf of His Majesty, such dispositions in favour the trade of these provinces as may facilitate export of their products, and improve the returns whether in money or in salt, cloths, or other commodities useful and desirable to the inhabitants the Kandyan country.

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